Mersan Metal Welcome
We provide services to many sectors from automotive to construction sector and we implement various projects coming from domestic and foreign countries flawlessly with our advanced technology machines.

All CNC machines work in perfect harmony with the software.

We ensure that the welding process of your projects is fast and flawless.

Çeşitli kalınlıklarda ve ebatlarda sac metal; paslanmaz, çelik, alüminyum kesimi.

We get successful results with electrostatic paint for sensitive painting.

CNC abkant pres makinası ile çeşitli ebat ve kalınlıklardaki sac metal büküm işlemleri.

It is carefully assembled and made ready for shipment.
We have been serving since 1998.
Since 1998, we have been serving you in our workshops located in Ostim Organised Industrial Zone and in our factory located in Başkent Organised Industrial Zone.
We serve many sectors from automotive to construction industry, and we implement various projects from domestic and foreign countries with our advanced technology machines in a perfect way. While we continue to export to all over the world, we also produce for various projects of many leading companies in the domestic sector.

Customer Satisfaction
Mersan Metal has grown its customer portfolio day by day by producing for many sectors such as automotive, construction, machinery manufacturing, advertising, while keeping customer satisfaction at the forefront by not compromising on production quality.
Providing maximum customer satisfaction by turning the projects into the products you have requested within the framework of fast and high quality production understanding is one of the indispensable values of Mersan Metal.

Quality Policy
To aim to achieve quality values and customer satisfaction at every stage of our production and to carry out the necessary work.

Environmental Policy
To ensure the protection of the environment by minimising internal and external factors affecting environmental pollution arising from our activities.

OHS Policy
To comply with international standards, laws and technical regulations and to apply them at every stage of our activities.

Energy Policy
To comply with national and international legal requirements and other applicable requirements regarding energy use, energy efficiency and consumption.
Our experienced technical team presents your projects, which are still at the idea stage, to you as a product after converting them into 3D visual designs in computer environment.
Mersan Metal bünyesinde bulunan 5 adet CNC lazer kesim tezgahı ve 1 adet CNC plazma kesim tezgahı ile farklı sektörler için çeşitli kalınlıklarda ve ebatlarda paslanmaz, çelik ve alüminyum sac metal kesimi yapmaktayız.
With our 7 CNC press brake machines, we perform your bending works in various sizes and thicknesses in a quality and fast way.
We serve you with both hand welding machines and welding robots with 360 degree movement capacity in your projects that require welding process. The welding robot, which is used especially in your high capacity projects, ensures that the welding process of your projects is fast and flawless.
Depending on the nature of the prepared projects and your demand, your products are carefully painted with both wet paint and electrostatic powder paint. We get more successful results with electrostatic paint in projects that require detailed and sensitive painting.
Your projects that require assembly process are carefully assembled by our assembly teams and then the products are made ready for shipment with the necessary packaging process for shipment.