CNC press brake bending makineleri, sac metal bileşenleri çeşitli profillere ve tasarımlara bükmek için tasarlanmış makinelerdir. CNC abkant pres makinesi, imalat sanayinin ve imalatçılar için önemli bir araçtır.
Bu makalede CNC abkant pres makinesinin nasıl çalıştığını ve sac metal şekilendirme işlemini nasıl gerçekleştirdiğini anlatıyoruz.
What is CNC press brake machine?
CNC abkant pres makinesi, içinde CNC sistem entegrasyonu bulunan bir büküm makinesidir. CNC sisteminin yardımıyla makine, ister birkaç milimetre ister birkaç metre uzunluğunda olsun, metal sac levhaları bükebilir.
Abkant pres, metal sac levhaları özel kalıplar arasına yerleştirir ve kuvvet uygulayarak istenilen formu oluşturur.
The structure of a CNC press brake machine can be of two types. These are as follows:
- Type 1 (Down Forming): Üzerine v şeklinde bir alet takılı olan sabit bir yataktan (alt) oluşur. Kuvveti alan ve metali “V” şeklindeki alete doğru bastıran bir üst kiriş mevcuttur.
- Type 2 (Up Forming): This type of CNC press brake has the same parts as type 1. However, in this type, the upper part is fixed while the lower part is mobile.
How does a CNC press brake machine work?
CNC press brake machineis a mechanical tool that works with a hydraulic or electrical system. Computer aided programmes are used for precise and accurate bending on metal sheets.
The way it works is quite simple to understand. Firstly, the information of the product to be created is entered into a CNC press brake machine. Once the computer has analysed and understood the instructions, it starts to run the machine.
Depending on the type of machine (type 1 or type 2), the force is applied to the respective moving part of the machine. This enables the moving part to press the sheet metal against the stationary part and thus create the desired bend.
Main features of 7 CNC press brake machines within Mersan Metal: Güç: 100 ton - 400 ton Sac Uzunluk Kapasitesi: 3000mm - 4000mm Sac Kalınlık Kapasitesi: 1-3mm / 1-20mm
What are the Benefits of CNC Press Brake Machine?
Technology is rapidly transforming traditional tools into powerful and reliable tools suitable for the modern age. The same is true for CNC Press Brake Machines. There are several reasons why modern CNC Press Brake Machines are better than the traditional ones. Some of them are:
More Efficient & Accurate
With the help of CNC systems, you get more accurate and precise results than with conventional systems. So, to summarise, you get faster results, double the precision and better quality work.
More Economical
However, CNC Press Brake Machines are easy to maintain, cause less wastage and have first-class components and parts that are readily available if they break down.
Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable
Unlike conventional tools, CNC Press Brake Machines cause less carbon emissions, less waste, less power usage and less pollution.
Mersan Metal CNC Sheet Metal Bending Services
Ankara Ostim and Capital Mersan Metal, located in the industrial zone, offers quality services and responds to the needs of our customers in the best way. Bending services arasında metal büküm; sac büküm, paslanmaz çelik büküm ve alüminyum büküm işlemler bulunmaktadır. Bu işlemler, farklı malzemelerden yapılan projelerin belirli şekillere dönüştürülmesini sağlar.